Identifying data
Domain name:
Company name: Jorge Vidal
Registered as self-employed in RETA
(Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers)
NIF: 50207155
Registered office: Av. Menéndez Pelayo 44, BC, Madrid. Spain.
e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
Jorge Vidal Méndez, responsible for the website, hereinafter the Provider, makes this document available to the users in order to comply with the obligations set forth in Law 34/2002, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), as well as to inform all users of the website regarding the conditions of use of the same.
Any person accessing this website assumes the role of user, undertaking to comply with the provisions herein, as well as any other legal provision that may be applicable.
The Provider reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear in the website, without any obligation to give prior notice or inform the users of such obligations, being understood as sufficient with the publication in the Provider’s website.
The Provider disclaims any liability of any kind arising from the information published on its website, provided that this information has been manipulated or introduced by a third party unrelated to the Provider.
Use of cookies
This website uses technical cookies to carry out certain functions that are considered essential for the operation of the site. The cookies used are, for the most part, of a temporary nature, with the sole purpose of making navigation more efficient, and disappear at the end of the user’s session. In no case do these cookies themselves provide personal data and will not be used to collect such data.
(See our “Cookie Policy”).
IP addresses
The website servers may automatically detect the IP address and domain name used by the user.
Links policy
From this website you may be redirected to content on external websites. The Provider assumes no responsibility whatsoever for such content.
The Provider is not responsible for the information and contents provided by third parties. In compliance with the provisions of art. 11 and 16 of the LSSICE, the Provider.
In the event that the user considers that there is any content on the website that could be susceptible to this classification, please notify immediately to [email protected].
This website is operational through an external service 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. In the event of server downtime the service will be resumed as soon as possible.
Data protection
The Provider in compliance with the regulations on the protection of personal data, and guarantees full compliance with the obligations required, as well as the implementation of the security measures provided by the regulations in force in the General Data Protection Regulation, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the Organic Law (ES) 3/2018 on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights.
In compliance with Law 34/2002 of July 11, 2002, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce your consent to the processing of your email for commercial purposes will be requested. You may revoke this consent at any time.
(See our “Privacy Policy”).
This portal has a SSL certificate (“Secure Sockets Layer”) that protect all personal and confidential information.
Intellectual and industrial property
The contents of the website are duly protected by intellectual and industrial property regulations. They are the property of the Provider or, if applicable, are licensed or expressly authorized by the collaborators.
You can make any comments regarding possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights via the following email: [email protected]
Applicable law and jurisdiction
For the resolution of all disputes or questions related to this website or the activities developed in it, will apply Spanish law, to which the parties expressly submit themselves, being competent for the resolution of all disputes arising from or related to its use the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid, unless the law imposes another jurisdiction.